1. The effluvium telogene, more running
In medical term, effluvium telogene means that quantity of hair larger than of habit enters in phase of renewal. In other words, the lifespan of this hair will be curtailed, under the harmful effect of the drug. The hair will start to fall, in the 2 to 4 months which follows the beginning of the catch of the drug. The hair loss will be diffuse, on the whole of the scalp, reversible with the stop of the treatment but will repeat if this one is taken again.
2. The effluvium anagene
It induces a alopécie generally faster and more severe. Here, the medicamentous substance stops the development of the hair abruptly, whereas it is in full phase of growth. The effluvium anagene relates to primarily the products prescribed for anti-cancer chemotherapies (bondFAQ chemotherapy and falls of the hair). As in the preceding case, the fall is reversible with the stop of the treatment and repetition if this one is taken again.
3. Falls of the androgenetic type
A third category relates to the substances “androgénisantes”, contained in certain hormonal treatments or corticoids. These substances, at the predisposed subjects, can start or worsen a androgenetic alopécie. For recall, this alopécie is characterized by a contracting of the pilous follicules sensitive to the androgens, a refinement and a localised and very progressive loss of the hair.
Importance of the diagnosis
Before showing a drug, it is advisable to be ensured:
- That the hair loss coincides well, in time, with that of the catch of the drug.
- That it is not the disease itself, or the stress which it generates, which is at the origin of the fall, but well the treatment itself. In this case, it is necessary to ask its doctor if it is possible to replace this treatment (that is sometimes) by another molecule, without incidence on the hair loss
- That the accused substance is duly indexed like harmful for the health of the hair. Certain molecules present an undeniable and quasi systematic negative effect, others have an unquestionable but less systematic effect, as for the number of listed cases. Others finally are discussed, having been the object only isolated cases. bondA thorough diagnosis of the hair is recommended, in case of doubt.
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